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Int 16 Fn 4506  - Shamrock Software EMail - Monitor Xmodem Download        [e]

   AX = 4506h
   DL = port number (01h = COM1)
   ES:BX -> 13-byte buffer for ASCIZ filename

Return: AX = 4D00h if EMAIL installed on specified port
       DH = Xmodem status
       00h no XGET command given
       01h XGET in progress
       02h XGET completed successfully
       ES:BX buffer filled with last filename given to XGET command
       (without path)

Note:  DH=02h will only be returned once per XGET; subsequent calls will
     return DH=00h

See Also: AX=4500h,INT 17/AX=2408h

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